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Institute for Sustainable Development In Tourism And Agriculture

About us


About us

To contribute to fostering sustainable development in the agricultural and tourism sectors

ISDTA was founded in 2017, and since then, has managed several diverse applied and fundamental projects across Albania. Through these initiatives, ISDTA has contributed to advocating for rural SMEs to local and national policymakers, promoting rural tourism areas, fostering cooperation, applying innovation, and promoting entrepreneurship, raising stakeholder awareness, and enhancing their capacities.

ISDTA has offered its expertise and has significantly contributed to establishing the Agritourism Association in Albania.

ISDTA has improved the quality of offers and supplies from rural SMEs to meet standards, especially in hospitality, food safety, landscape management, and local/traditional culinary practices.

ISDTA has raised awareness among national policymakers about the need to facilitate small producers' access to markets by proposing specific legal rules and standards.

This NGO is driven by the need to improve the socio-economic aspects of rural enterprises, thus enhancing the welfare and standards of rural communities.

Through projects that are implemented, under implementation, and planned, ISDTA aims to promote socio-economic development, job creation, and improved standards. In this vein, ISDTA measures its success through various quantitative and qualitative outputs related to these goals.


To achieve its goals, ISDTA aims to:

  • Undertake projects that promote economic, social, and cultural activities for dynamic and sustainable development in the tourism and agriculture sectors.

  • Foster an entrepreneurial culture in tourism and agriculture to create new jobs and enhance community welfare.

  • Carry out activities in tourism and agriculture that contribute to poverty reduction and protect the interests of vulnerable groups or communities.

  • Provide training and consulting to stakeholders in the tourism and agriculture sectors to transfer knowledge and build necessary human capacities.

  • Conduct promotional and protective activities for small and large enterprises in rural and urban tourism, alternative tourism, food and beverage enterprises, accommodation, artisans, agricultural enterprises, food processing, etc.

  • Undertake specific initiatives that contribute to the design of policies, strategies, and best practices for tourism and agriculture development.

  • Gather information, prepare reports, promote and organize debates on national and international issues, and participate in programs with special reference to business services, design, organizational, productive, managerial, administrative, and financial aspects.

  • Facilitate regular exchanges of information, experiences, innovative ideas, and related issues between actors.

  • Undertake activities that promote and protect natural environments, biodiversity, landscapes, and activities related to bioenergy (biogas), plant biology/physiology, biochemistry, biofood, nanotechnology, and Earth sciences.

  • Conduct fundamental and applied research to advance concepts, knowledge, and capacity building in tourism (activities related to accommodation, food and beverage, travel agencies, transport, etc.) and agriculture (natural environments, biodiversity, landscapes, bioenergy, plant biology/physiology, biochemistry, biofood, nanotechnology, soil sciences).

  • Establish and maintain continuous cooperative relations with institutions, non-profit organizations, and enterprises to stimulate debate, review, and formulate proposals for policies and strategies aimed at fostering sustainable development in tourism and agriculture.

  • Encourage the development of promotional activities showcasing successful models in tourism and agriculture.

  • Support and promote innovative initiatives of stakeholders involved in tourism and agriculture development.


Projects and Partners

Title: TUI Future shapers Albania

Purpose: The purpose of this initiative is to provide tailored training and capacity-building programs to MSMEs to improve service quality and competitiveness. It is also aimed to contribute on attracting more international visitors and boost local economies. By promoting sustainable tourism, maintaining and creating jobs, and enhancing livelihoods, this intervention aims to foster regional development and position Albania as a top-tier international destination.

Partner: TUI care foundation, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Albania

Title: Establishing the Albanian Agritourism Association

Purpose: Empowering the agritourism entities through fostering networking and advocating.

Partner: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Albania

Title: Implementation of Support Package for Agritourism Association

Purpose: The projects aim was to support Agritourism Association and also build together good practices related to Agritourism Services that can be used from Agritourism Association members

Partner: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Albania; Albanian Agritourism Association

Title: Support of VET through Innovation

Purpose: The projects aim was to to contribute on supporting to put in place the Career Service within the selected Vocational schools.

Partner: IFOA – Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali

Title: Support the development of sustainable agritourism in Albania

Purpose: Contribution to the definition and preparation of the necessary criteria for the selection of potential areas related to sustainable agritourism in Albania. Provides assessment to identify geographical areas and topics with potential for sustainable agritourism in Albania. Review the current legal framework related to agritourism in Albania and propose recommendations for improvements. Compilation of a Good Practices Manual.

Partner: FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), Rural Association Support Programe

Title: Community Action for the Preservation of Protected Areas in Albania

Purpose: Final evaluation of the project on sustainable tourism.

Partner: Agenzia Italiana di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS).

Title: Review of digital competencies in agricultural value chains: the case of Malësia e Madhe, Belsh and Korça

Purpose: Produce an analysis of age and gender issues related to E-agriculture in the three value chains. Drafting a Concept Note on E-agriculture for small producers in Albania.

Partner: International Labor Organization

Title: Legal framework and standard packages for small producers in Albania

Purpose: Prepared and distributed a policy paper about typical/traditional products and smallholder farms in Albania. More specifically, compiling the package of legal rules and standards in terms of sales and food safety for small producers.

Partner: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Albania




Afati i aplikimit është deri më 18.01.2025


In partnership with:


Programi "TUI Future Shapers Albania" është një bashkëpunim midis TUI Care Foundation dhe GIZ Albania, zbatuar nga Instituti për Zhvillim të Qëndrueshëm në Turizëm dhe Bujqësi (IZHQTB), dhe ka në fokus përmirësimin e standardeve dhe konkurrueshmërisë për 200 biznese të fushës së akomodimit, shërbimit të ushqimeve dhe pijeve, dhe rekreacionit në sektorin e turizmit rural, në të gjithë Shqipërinë.

TUI Care Foundation mbështet dhe ndërmarr projekte që krijojnë mundësi të reja dhe kontribuojnë për zhvillimin e komuniteteve në destinacionet turistike, në mbarë botën.

Ky bashkëpunim synon ofrimin e mbështetjes në promovimin dhe ngritjen e kapaciteteve njerëzore me qëllim përmirësimin e cilësisë së ofertës dhe rritjen e biznesit. Në këtë kuadër, kërkohet ekspertizë në fushat, si vijon:

  • Siguria Ushqimore;

  • Mikpritje;

  • Kuzhine Lokale/tradicionale dhe produktet e origjinës;

  • Marketing Digjital;

  • Gjuhe e Huaj-Anglisht për shërbimin ndaj Klientëve;

  • Guide Lokale;

  • Enologji;

  • Menaxhim Eventesh.






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Rr. Sami Frashri, Pll .17, Njesia e Sherbimit 7, Tirane



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